Jasper M

Banana and purple // 24 x 18 cm // acryllic paint on canvas // 2004 // 11947 views
Individuals with cactus // 80 x 50 cm // graffiti and acryllic paint on panel // 2004 // 11470 views
Guitar makes sound // 70 x 50 cm // graffiti and acryllic paint on panel // 2004 // 11809 views
Giraffe looking down on zebra // 120 x 80 cm // oil paint on canvas // 2004 // 11357 views
Crocodile without prozac // 60 x 50 cm // graffiti and acryllic paint on canvas // 2004 // 12568 views
Ape thinks thought // ca. 3 x 1,5 m // graffiti and acryllic paint on wall // 2004 // 11763 views
Lightning strikes in urban surroundings // 50 x 60 cm // acryllic paint on paper // 2004 // 11867 views

24 // 23 // 22 // 21 // 20 // 19 // 18 // 17 // 16 // 15 // 14 // 13 // 12 // 11 // 10 // 09 // 08 // 07 // 06 // 05 // 04 // 03

ab // cd // ef // ghi // jkl // mno // pqr // st // uvw // xyz

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© Jasper M 2001 - 2024. All pictures are copyrighted.
Any use other than for private purposes is only allowed after an explicitly written permission.
